Towards sustainability: Levelling up biosecurity measures on KJC Farm

A new shower system installed on KJC Farm for farmers to shower before they enter the farm and when they leave to level-up biosecurity, October 2021.

Biosecurity to of utmost importance on a poultry farm. Chickens are very vulnerable to disease which can easily be carried onto the farm on people, clothes or shoes, and if a chicken does contract a disease, it can very quickly spread through the entire flock and have catastrophic consequences. Until now, KJC has followed strict use of disinfecting footbaths and worn clean overalls on top of clothing in order to reduce the risk of bringing disease into the chicken sheds.

We are now taking biosecurity measures one step further by introducing a new shower policy on the farm. In the past months, a new shower block has been built containing three shower rooms, male, female, visitor, all with hot water. It will now be compulsory for anyone entering the operational area of the farm to go through the shower block and change into clean clothes. The farm site has been split into two areas: the biosecure farm area where the chicken sheds are, only accessible to staff and visitors through the showers, and the non-biosecure area where the offices, kitchen and lunch area are located. Guests to the non-farm area will not be required to shower but will continue to follow the footbath procedure.

Such strict biosecurity measures are part of what makes KJC Farm so unique – high quality facilities and equipment with strict biosecurity procedures set it apart from other farms of its kind in the area. Such measures to protect and ensure healthy, happy flocks contribute to the longer-term viability of KJC Farm as a sustainable social business.

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