Welcoming the first chicks on the new Breeder farm!

After years of clearing, digging, planning, and building, the first chicks have finally arrived on Dana Asia’s new Breeder Farm facility in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

A new shed to house breeding flock on the breeder farm, January 2022.

The land for the farm was first purchased in November 2018 and what started as a disused, overgrown plot is unrecognisable now, with the state-of-the-art farm facility standing proud. The impressive new site boasts rearing and laying sheds complete with feeder lines and water systems within a biosecure area, and offices, lunchroom, accommodation in the general access area. Showers and vehicle washing areas keep biosecure tight, limiting risk of any diseases being brought into the sheds.

As operations ramp up, the farm will become a place for training and employment opportunities for local communities. Chicks bred on the farm will be used to supply KJC Farm and outgrower farms, a project which equips Cambodia’s most impoverished rural villagers with the skills and resources to become successful microentrepreneurs, providing training in poultry rearing to enable them to rear chickens in their own backyards for vital income to support their families.

The first flock of breeder chickens settling into their new home, January 2022.

The final phase of construction came to completion in August 2021, and the first chicks were transferred to their new home on 9th January 2022. This is an exciting new chapter for Dana Asia’s work in Cambodia as we strive towards our sustainable development goals.

Our great thanks go to the donors who have supported this project in any big or small way to get to this point. Thanks also go to the team of very hardworking builders and project managers in Cambodia, and our technical advisors in Australia Peter Van Den Akker and Ian Curtis who have all worked so hard over the past years to complete this build.

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