We are passionate about empowering communities with life-changing solutions to overcome inequality and poverty.

Our objective

Dana Asia aims to eradicate poverty by using social business, microfinance, and education as tools to address social problems in impoverished communities, improving access to productive resources and reducing inequalities.

Our multifaceted role

We act as a funder and adviser, partnering with local NGOs, cooperatives, and community groups to implement projects that empower communities towards sustainable impact.

As a funder

We seek funding opportunities to match emerging needs within impoverished communities. Whether private donor funds, CSR funding or grant opportunities, our team strives to match appropriate funds to the needs on the ground.

As an adviser

We use our local knowledge and experienced on-the-ground team to advise donors and implementing partners on the development of sustainable projects that fit the donor’s expectations and meet the needs of the community.

As a social business incubator

We design unique and exciting business models that address specific community needs and implement pilots through experienced in-country partners. Once the model is refined, it can be scaled to increase impact and replicated in new communities.

Our values

Sustainable impact at scale.

Dana Asia’s commitment to sustainability

Social Empowerment

Capacity building and expert-led training in livelihood skills, business management, financial literal and personal and professional development areas.

Economic Viability

High-engagement social investment in small businesses and guidance towards viability and sustainability, while advocating for fair-trading throughout the supply chain.

Environmental Sustainability

Promoting business models that have high-regard for environmental preservation to protect local ecology while improving food security.

Our 3-step approach to creating sustainable impact

Step 1 – Incubation
  • Community consultation and mobilisation, identifying value-adding local partners for implementation.
  • Needs assessments, community profiling and baseline data collection.
  • Design relevant project concepts with appropriate business models and launch pilot projects.
KJC Outgrower Training
Step 2 – Build Structure & Create Social Value
  • Identify key development needs, such as mentoring and capacity building, and connect with appropriate partners to conduct training.
  • Refine and revise business models for maximum effectiveness and conduct M&E to evaluate potential for scale and replication.
  • Identify microfinance needs and facilitate to enable to creation and growth of new livelihoods, where applicable.
Step 3 – Scale & Replicate
  • Thorough evaluation of pilot projects to assess social, economic, and environmental sustainability as well as suitability for scale and/or replication to new communities.
  • Research opportunities for project scale in the same location.
  • Research new communities for replication and start the process again in a new setting.

Where do we work?

  • = Projects
  • = Donors
Map of projects and donors

Get to know us

Our diverse team offers decades of experience working in community development in the non-profit, government, and private sectors throughout Asia Pacific.

Meet the Board

Meet the Executive team