Cambodia’s bright young future: introducing KJC Farm Manager, Nak

UPDATE: On April 27th 2022, Nak was tragically killed in a motor accident. He is greatly missed by the KJC team. You can read a tribute to his life and work here.

Dana Asia’s KJC Farm in Cambodia trains rural villagers to become poultry farmers. The farm is unique in its international standard facilities, top biosecurity, and comprehensive training programme for farmers and produces top quality poultry products. Chickens are hatched, raised and slaughtered on the farm and sold into Siem Reap’s restaurant market. Setup as a social business, all profits from sales of chicken are put directly back into the farm for development, or invested into Dana Asia’s outgrower programme.

KJC Farm Manager Nak is 26 years old and has been working at KJC Farm for the past 8 years. We asked him to share a bit about himself:

Boeng Nak, KJC Farm Manager, photographed enjoying a day off in October 2021. Nak was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident in April 2022.

“I was born in the countryside in Siem Reap province. My family are farmers but they are poor, so as well as the farm they go to work in the dumpsite to collect bottles, cans, tin, and plastic to sell. My brothers and I didn’t finish high school because my parents didn’t have enough money to buy things for our study and we need the money to support the family. Working at KJC, I can finish high school. I joined KJC in 2013 to learn more skills. I can learn chicken skills, management, English skills and computers. I enjoy working at KJC because as an NGO it is always helping poor families when they have problems. Working here I can learn a lot, and it is teaching me to share skills and experiences with other people.

In the future I hope to continue studying at university and go abroad. I want to be a trainer because trainers can help a lot of people by sharing their skills with them. I think being an English teacher would be good because in many villages children don’t have English language skills. English classes are not free and their families are poor.

I hope Cambodia will be better in the future if we help children go to school. It is so important for parents to send their children to school to study. Also, if we share other skills like chicken care and growing vegetables with farmers and poor people, Cambodia will have a better future.”

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